Baked Banana Squash by Larry Andersen


Banana Squash

A winter squash, banana squash is a large squash and usually sold in pieces and, therefore, isn’t all that easy to find in the supermarkets. Back when I was growing up it was a common vegetable in the stores. It was an appreciated vegetable by “us kids” and was served often. It was especially good on those cold, winter “oven meal” days when everything was cooked in the oven. The heat from the oven flowed out of the kitchen and into the other parts of the house. The aromas filled the air, teasing us with promises of good things to eat until they were done cooking. My favorite combination, was meatloaf, baked potato and baked banana squash. They all cooked in about the same time and came out of the oven together.

Preparation: 1 hour 30 minutes Heirloom Recipe
Allow 4 to 6 ounces per person Lawrence Andersen and Margie Gilliland
  • Banana squash
  • Salt
  • Dark brown sugar
  • Apricot jam (optional, see notes)
  • Butter or margarine
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground nutmeg
  1. Wash cur pieces of squash under running water. Lightly scrape inside surface that may have softened after exposure to air. Pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. With a sharp knife, make parallel ½-inch deep slits across surface. Turn squash 90 degrees and make additional slits forming a 1/4-inch checkerboard over entire surface.
  3. Spread with butter using spatula or kitchen knife to force butter down into the slits. Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste and add a light sprinkle of nutmeg. With fingers, press brown sugar down onto squash filling slits and covering entire surface with a covering of brown sugar.
  4. Set squash on a double layer of aluminum foil. Fold foil up around squash making a close fitting “boat that will hold juices next to the squash. Place on a cookie sheet to catch any drips.
  5. Bake in a 375°F oven for 1 1/4 hour, depending on size and thickness, or until squash is fork-tender and flesh separates easily. The butter and sugar will darken - tent as needed with foil to prevent burning. Allow to set 10 minutes before cutting and serving.
  6. In later years I learned to glaze the squash with a light slathering of apricot jam on the squash in the last 15 minutes of cooking. I’ve always had a “thing” for apricots that wasn’t always shared by everyone else. The choice is yours - the squash is excellent without the jam but you might try glazing it at least once. Either way, you'll be back for more baked banana squash.

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