Cranberry Raspberry Sauce by Larry Andersen

Cranberry Raspberry


Let’s face it. White meats are pretty bland. That is not to say that is bad because it makes them such good candidates for pairing with other foods with a sharper, more pronounced flavor. Pork and a nice tart applesauce are an ideal pairing. The pairing of turkey and cranberry is such a natural that the tradition has thankfully endured since the earliest colonial times.

From my earliest childhood memories, I recall that we always had a cranberry dish on the Thanksgiving table. Sometimes from a can (canned whole cranberry sauce and jellied cranberries are very good), and sometimes making our own cranberry sauce from scratch. Now days we always have a can or two in cupboard for a chicken or turkey dinner – when we remember to bring out the can. Because they are so good, it is a shame we seem to relegate the cranberry to the holiday season instead of making them more of a regular food.

While serving from a can provides a tasty product (and your only option in the off season), making the cranberry sauce from scratch lets you fine tune the sauce to your exact liking. My wife has a penchant for all things raspberry. It would only be a matter of time before the cranberries and the raspberries were brought together. A bit sweet, a bit tart, I think you will enjoy our creation.

Preparation: 20 minutes Life Experience Recipe
Makes: 2 cups sauce
  • 1 14-ounce bag whole cranberries
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 18-ounce jar seedless raspberry jam
  1. Rinse cranberries under running water and then drain in a colander. Inspect and remove any discolored or blemished berries.
  2. Place the berries, orange juice and sugar in a medium size pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low simmer. You will hear the cranberries start to pop. When the popping has stopped, remove from heat and allow to cool to a safe handling temperature.
  3. Use a potato masher to further break up the pieces and remaining berries. Add the raspberry jam, a few spoonfuls at a time, stirring gently to break up the clumps of jam. After the last addition, stir just enough to make a uniform mixture. Place in a covered container and refrigerate to set. Best if served old.

If you wish a smoother sauce, puree the berries in a blender before adding the raspberries. It will take a day or so for the pink sauce to turn back to red as the entrained air escapes. It makes a wonderful drizzle sauce for cheesecake and ice cream.

I used to make the cranberry raspberry sauce using Kool-Aid® Roarin’ Raspberry Cranberry Mix. It is almost impossible to find since they started making the kiddie-fad flavors and that is why we started using the raspberry jam; which in the end we like even better.

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